Serial Posts plugin

This post is out of date. The official home page for the Serial Posts plugin can be found here, together with links to other Serial Posts resources, including a tutorial and FAQ.

This is a straightforward and easy to configure plugin that allows you to assign a Serial name, using custom fields, to your posts and then automatically displays a list of all other posts which have been assigned to the same Serial name when viewing this post in your single post page (usually single.php or index.php).

Designed for authors who wish to group posts into series – independently of the usual WordPress Category and Tag structure – its usage does not have to be limited to this. You can create as many different Serials as you wish, and assign these to any posts that you wish to group together to create a wide variety of “related post” or other post groupings.


  • Allows you to assign posts to a Serial, using custom fields, and then displays a list of all posts assigned to the same Serial in your single post page (usually single.php or index.php).
  • The Serial Posts list is added to your single post page either by inserting the shortcode in the Post editor or by using the Serial Posts template tag in your single.php or index.php theme file.
  • The position of the Serial Posts list on your page is determined by where you insert the shortcode in your post, or where you insert the Serial Posts template tag in your single.php or index.php template file, depending on which method is used (shortcode or template tag).
  • You can create as many different Serials as you wish.
  • User options for including the currently viewed post in the list, with or without a link.
  • Configurable Heading for the Serial Posts list.
  • Valid xhtml output.
  • Highly customisable CSS styling of the Heading and Serial Posts list.
  • Requires WordPress/Wordpress Mu 2.8+
  • Tested to be compatible with WordPress/Wordpress Mu 2.8.6


Download the latest version Serial Posts v1.1.

Installation and configuration

Visit the dedicated Serial Posts Configuration page for full details of installation, configuration and usage. There is also a Serial Posts plugin tutorial with further information, examples and screenshots to show you how to configure the plugin’s Settings.


In the first instance, please take time to read the README.txt file supplied in the download. You can also find extensive notes in the plugin’s Configuration page.

Answers to frequent questions can be found on the FAQ page.

A support forum is available here in case you still have questions or problems with the plugin. Registration is required but only takes a minute and doesn’t require any personal info apart from your email address. Please do not leave comments here asking for support. That’s what the forum is for. Thank you!

With acknowledgements to Justin Tadlock whose original code idea inspired this plugin.


  1. Download link isn’t attached to the zip file, just this page….

  2. @ Luna

    Oops! Thanks for pointing that out. It now links to the site.

  3. This is just what I needed today!! Great plug-in. The other wp-series plug-ins don’t work anymore with vers. 2.7. I have donated you something and look forward to further development.

    You can see the plug-in in action on my blog (German), below the content:

    Thanks and Happy Holidays!

  4. @ Hannelore,

    Thanks! Glad you found it useful.

    Nice site, by the way. 🙂

  5. Hi,
    Today I have a request: Could you implement a column in the articles list with the word “serial” where applicant, so that I am able to see which articles are in a series?

    I am losing track…

    Thanks for consideration!

  6. Hi Hannelore,

    Thanks for the suggestion. I will look into that. 🙂


  7. Jörn says:

    i have a request: Support these plugin user-specific series?


  8. admin says:

    @ Jörn,

    Yes, I’m looking in to this. I agree, it would be useful to be able to have even more flexibility in setting up Serials.

    Thanks for the suggestion. 🙂


  1. Wordpress Serial posts plugin – Group all parts of your serial posts together | PR 10 Google

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